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Bulldozer ZD340G

Bulldozers are one of the main types of construction machinery, which are used for long-distance pushing, ditching, filling, loosening, cleaning, ground breaking, traction, roadbed construction, material accumulation, surface stripping, leveling and compaction, and cleaning.

Category: Product ID: 2382


Snow deicing, garbage cleaning and other operations, one machine is multi-purpose. Widely used in mining, water conservancy and hydropower, construction, transportation, oil field port construction, agriculture and forestry, national defense, building materials, coal, metallurgy, sanitation and other industries.

Утас: +976 7777 2727

Улаанбаатар 15141, Самбуугийн гудамж, М Плаза, 17 давхарт

Макс Машинери Индастри ХХК

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